










Table of Contents 
Arranger is a program for Palm handhelds that helps you plan and organize your ideas. Here's an example showing a film fan's most important categories:
Top-level screen
The black box at the start of the line shows which list is selected. Tap the "Open" button Open button to see the contents.

The plus in the box at the left of "Groceries" Plus box indicates that more details are available, but hidden. .  Touch it to see them:

These details can in turn have more details, and so on as necessary:
The  shows when the details are visible.  When there are no details at all, the box is empty.

Each of the items is a multi-line note.  Touching the text shows all of the note:

When you have added all the items you want, tap the "Done" button to take you back to the list of outlines.

Adding an outline 
First go to the list of outlines by tapping the "Done" button if necessary.  Touch the "New" button to add a new outline.  It brings up an editor in which you can type as much as needed:

Touch "OK" when done.  The new outline is added underneath the active one, which is the one with the black box.

Deleting an outline 
First go to the list of outlines by tapping the "Done" button if necessary.  To delete an outline, first select it by tapping it, then choose Outline | Delete outline from the menu.

Moving an outline 
First go to the list of outlines by tapping the "Done" button if necessary.  Simply touch the box at the left of the item and drag it to the new location.  A hint shows while dragging.

Adding items 
First open an outline by tapping the "Open" button if necessary.  Tap the "New" button, then pick "Item" from the popup list.

It brings up an editor in which you can type as much as needed, up to a limit of 32K:

Touch "OK" when done.  The item is added underneath the active item, which is the one with the black box.

Deleting items 
First open an outline by tapping the "Open" button if necessary.  To delete an item, first select it by tapping it, then choose Item | Delete Item from the menu. If the item has others hidden below it, Arranger will ask for confirmation.

If the item is a Address, Date Book, Expense, MemoPad or To Do  item:

  • Deleting it in Arranger only removes the link; the original item remains in your PalmPilot.
  • Deleting the original MemoPad/To Do/Address/Expense item will delete the Arranger entry.
Moving items 
First open an outline by tapping the "Open" button if necessary.  Simply touch the box at the left of the item and drag it to the new location.  You can place it either level with or to the right of the item before it by moving the pen to the left or right at the new location.  A hint shows while dragging; for instance, moving Popcorn after HDTV:
Moving to the same level as HDTV Moving to the right of HDTV

Viewing items 
View and edit the current item by simply tapping on the text.

You can preview the text in a smaller window by tapping at the extreme right of the line:

Copy, Cut and Paste 
First open an outline by tapping the "Open" button if necessary.  You can copy, cut and paste items to a Clipboard, a hidden area that can hold items.  This helps you in changing the order of items in your outlines.  Use the menu to select the operation you want to perform.  It operates on the selected item, the one with the black box at the left.

For Cut and Copy, if the item has other items hidden underneath it (i.e. if the box has a plus in it, Plus box) these items are also placed in the clipboard.  Any previous items in the clipboard are over-written.

For Paste, the items in the clipboard are copied in front of the selected item.  The items also remain in the clipboard, so more than one Paste can be done.

The same Cut, Copy and Paste operations are available for outlines.  Note that the clipboard is shared between outlines and items.  It is possible to paste an outline as an item and vice versa.

Changing the Level of Items 
Simply touch the box at the left of the item and drag it left or right as needed.  A hint shows while dragging; for instance, moving HDTV underneath Popcorn:

Arranger can number the lists and items or not, at your choice.  Items can be shown with either just the number for their level, or all the numbers that represent their position in the document.

First open an outline by tapping the "Open" button if necessary.  Choose Options | Outline from the menu:

and pick the number format you would like to use.  It will only apply to the outline you are working on.

Using Address entries 
Arranger can link to Address List entries.  Tap the "New" button, then pick "Address" from the popup list.  (The last item selected from the popup list is repeated at the end, making it easy to double-tap.)

A dialog appears listing all the address entries:

Select the address you want to use, then tap "Add".  The address is removed from the list to signify that it has been selected.  Of course, it still remains in your PalmPilot.  You can continue to add more addresses from the list.  After tapping "Done", the chosen address(es) appear in Arranger with an address icon at the right:

Tapping on the entry allows you to view the entry in the Address book.  Use the Calculator or Applications icon to return to Arranger.

Using Date Book entries 
Arranger can link to Date Book entries.  Tap the "New" button, then pick "Date" from the popup list.

A dialog appears listing all the date book entries:

Select the appointment you want to use, then tap "Add".  The appointment is removed from the list to signify that it has been selected.  Of course, it still remains in your PalmPilot.  You can continue to add more appointments from the list.  After tapping "Done", the chosen appointment(s) appear in Arranger with an appointment icon at the right:

Tapping on the entry allows you to view the entry in the Date Book.  Use the Calculator or Applications icon to return to Arranger.

Using Expense entries 
Arranger can link to items in the built-in Expense application.  Tap the "New" button, then pick "Expense" from the popup list.

A dialog appears listing all the expenses:

Select the expense you want to use, then tap "Add".  The item is removed from the list to signify that it has been selected.  Of course, it still remains in your PalmPilot.  You can continue to add more expenses from the list.  After tapping "Done", the chosen expense(s) appear in Arranger with an expense icon at the right:

Tapping on the entry allows you to edit the entry in the Expense application.  Use the Calculator or Applications icon to return to Arranger.

Using Memo Pad entries 
Instead of writing the items in Arranger, you can use Memo Pad items instead.  Tap the "New" button, then pick "Memo" from the popup list.

A dialog appears listing all the memos:

Select the memo you want to use, then tap "Add".  The memo is removed from the list to signify that it has been selected.  Of course, it still remains in your PalmPilot.  You can continue to add more memos from the list.  After tapping "Done", the chosen menu(s) appear in Arranger with a Memo icon at the right:

If you wish, you can have more than one Arranger entry for the same Memo Pad item.
Tapping on the entry allows you to edit the entry.  Use the Calculator or Applications icon to return to Arranger.

Using To Do entries 
Arranger can display the built-in To Do entries in its outline.  Tap the "New" button, then pick "ToDo" from the popup list.

A dialog appears listing all the To Do items:

Select the To Do item you want to use, then tap "Add".  Of course, it still remains in your PalmPilot.  You can continue to add more items from the list.  After choosing an item, it appears in Arranger with a checkbox before it:

Checking or un-checking this item will change the value in the To Do application accordingly.  Tapping on the entry allows you to view the entry in the To Do List.  Use the Calculator or Applications icon to return to Arranger.

Arranger can also add a "To Do" checkbox to all its entries.  Open an outline, then choose Options | Advanced Options, then check "Show ToDo for all items".

Using Other Programs 
Arranger can use other programs to display the built-in Address, Datebook, Memopad and To Do entries.  From the menu, choose Options | Global.  A dialog appears showing the application that will be used for each of the types.
Global Settings
Choose the application you wish to use.  If it is not installed on your PalmPilot, Arranger will use the built-in program.

Install Arranger on your PalmPilot by using the PalmPilot Install Tool that comes with the PalmPilot and runs on your desktop computer. The Windows 95 version is shown at the right.

Macintosh users should

  1. Get a copy of SimpleInst from Olive Branch Software.  Install it according to its directions.
  2. Use StuffIt Expander or UnZip to un-zip the file into a folder.
  3. You can read the help file(s) by dragging arranger.htm onto your favorite browser.
  4. You can install Arranger by dragging it in top of SimpleInst.  It will be downloaded at the next hot-sync.
When it is installed on your PalmPilot, you will see the icon  in the list of applications. The first time you run Arranger, it will create a small outline that you can use to practice on:

Backup and Restore 
Arranger does not have a desktop component but its data is backed up automatically by HotSync.

To restore your data, run the PalmPilot Install Tool and browse to find the backup directory, which will be something like:
then select ArrangerDB.PDB from within it.  The data will be restored at the next HotSync.  If you want, you can also restore the clipboard by selecting ArrangerClipDB.PDB in the same same way.

IMPORTANT: If you use Windows 95/98/NT, you must be running at least HotSync Manager version 2.0.1 because version 2.0 has a bug in it which fails to back up some data files.  To find out which version you have, right-click on the HotSync icon on the tool-bar and select "About...".  If the version is prior to 2.0.1 you can get an upgrade free from 3Com at PalmPilot Desktop 2.1 Upgrade

Arranger will work on your PalmPilot for 30 days.  After that time you must register it by completing the online registration form.  The cost is US$19.  After completing the form, Kagi will be sent an e-mail with a registration number that will unlock Arranger.  If your browser does not support SSL (Secure Sockets Layer, which encrypts everything sent across the Internet), you can use the unsecure version of this form.  To pay by mail, send USD $19, your Palm User Name and your email address to:
Olive Branch Software
223 E Victoria St
Santa Barbara, CA 93101-2020

Technical support 
Technical support is available via e-mail.  Please send a description of the problem along with complete details of your PalmPilot and desk-top machines to: support@olivebr.com
The latest version of this document is available at: http://www.olivebr.com/arranger/help/arranger.htm

About Arranger 
ArrangerTM and its documentation are Copyright © 1997-2002 Olive Branch Software. All Rights Reserved.

Olive Branch Software
223 E Victoria St
Santa Barbara, CA 93101-2020
Internet: http://www.olivebr.com/
E-mail: info@olivebr.com

Document produced 2002.3.27