











Writing on your Palm says "Tying it all together is Arranger"

... and in a later column: "Arranger is one of those programs that adheres to the Zen of Palm. In fact, it's so simple and uncluttered that many people never realize how powerful it truly is."

Singapore Pilot Users Group says "This program is one of the essentials".

Our customers say:

Just a quick note of thanks for a great product. THIS is exactly 
what I bought my Palm with the hopes of being able to do. After 
trying database programs and text editors this is the one for my 
needs - I wish I knew about this one first! I appreciate its 
simplicity AND its breadth! I REALLY appreciate the ability to do 
LARGE memos! I use it daily as my primary tool for record keeping 
in my counseling practice!

Gene Zigler 10 July 01

By the way, you guys should get a medal for this program. I wanted a program to manage my projects at work. This was the 5th Palm download I looked at. None of the other 4 even came close to what I wanted. Arranger hit the bulls eye! Jeff Daily 31 March 01
Wow! what an excellent program. I can't believe I've been struggling to get brainforest to work for me all this time when this great app does everything and more. Jim Willis 5 March 01
Think Arranger is great - especially the ability to link Address Book and To Do entries! I can now maintain current phone-trees in Arranger and not worry about having to update phone numbers in two locations. John E. Watson 6 Feb 01
I have to complement you on such a wonderful product! Great stuff to track my sales cycles and for recording history on them. Kai Yuen 6 Feb 01
"O, Sweet Mystery of Life, at last I've found you!" YAAAAAY! In Arranger, I have finally found a way to organize my ideas and link them to the rest of the critical bits on my Palm. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou Michael Ehling 26 Sep 00
Today I registered Arranger at PalmGear. While I've come to depend on my Palm for many many things, it occured to me recently that I have never been sucessful in doing the PRIMARY thing I bought the Palm for: prioritizing and organizing! I've looked at BrainForest, ThoughtMill, InfoSelect, ListMaker, LifeBalance and others. They just didn't cut it. (I have a hard and fast rule about never entering the same information twice -- just makes no sense. Synchronization is OK, but it has to be bi-directional and user-transparent.) Then I installed Arranger. I think this is "The Application" (along with DateBk3/4) to tackle all I had in mind when first I laid my money down for a Palm. Wow. I have a wish list a million miles long, not based on Arranger's limitations, but upon it's strengths. As a fellow software developer, all I can do is tip my hat to an elegant piece of code. Thanks.. Paul Harker 19 Jun 00
BTW Arranger is incredible!!!! I now find it critical for my work (medical intern in Family Practice). We use Palms at my residency and I have been demonstrating Arranger to the other residents. Incredible software!!!!! Mel D. Herd
I use Arranger _all_ the time on my Palm III. It's a GREAT piece of software. Michael Miora
i think Arranger is a great product! i've actually registered it before on an old pilot, but somehow i lost all that. no matter, i'm more than happy to send $19 for such a nice product. i have downloaded v1.2b4 -- is this the latest? will i get the same version if i register?
Great program! I've been using it 1 day and it has changed the way I use my Palm. I love it.
I REALLY, REALLY like many things about Arranger 1.20 beta4 (Note: I am registered for HiNote and was alongtime beta tester for BrainForest Pro and have a gratis release copy). I actually prefer certain outliner features of HiNote ... but REALLY like the linking of Arranger (and the cool arrows !). Anyway, I hope you keep improving it. It is close to incredible and I have used everything out there. Paul Shapiro
I've tried Brainforest, ListMaker, and Arranger. Your user interface is =vastly= superior to those of the other two. It is =very= valuable to be able to promote and demote outline items by dragging them.
Great program! This program is a definite "must have"! I especially like the 32K size of text entries, as I now have a GoType and am looking forward to working on that novel I've always wanted to write! Steve Parr
Congratulations, The first intelligent palm application that I've seen that attempts to integrate the disparate information sources. Keep up the good work.
Hello, First off, thanks for one of the most useful applications I have on my Pilot. Arranger is not only an outstanding outlining tool, but the ability to link to records in the built-in databases is an unbelievable plus.